Cunard Line: QE TC deckplan 1960ish MM17
Queen Elizabeth: A wonderful TC deckplan for sometime in the 1960s. These are always great to have for interior and arrangement information. It is interesting to see how areas change from year to year (Usually after her annual winter refit). This is in great condition … almost looks like it was never opened! There is a note this was purchased from another dealer by a prior owner in 1982 (probably paid too much!!) Inventory #12
Cunard Line: QE 1960 TC deckplan
Queen Elizabeth: A wonderful TC deckplan for 1960. These are always great to have for interior and arrangement information. It is interesting to see how areas change from year to year (Usually after her annual winter refit). This is in great condition … almost looks like it was never opened! Inventory #11
Cunard Line: QE Deckplan 1960 CC
Queen Elizabeth: A wonderful CC deckplan for 1966. These are always great to have for interior and arrangement information. Nice interior pics … over a century of Transatlantic service. A prior owners note tells us he bought this in 1986 .. It would have been 20 years old at the time! This is in great condition with nice interior photos. Inventory #10
Cunard Line: QE Deckplan for CC 1961 MM17
Queen Elizabeth: A wonderful CC deckplan for 1961. These are always great to have for interior and arrangement information. It is interesting to see how areas change from year to year (Usually after her annual winter refit). This is in great condition with nice interior photos. Inventory #9.
Cunard Line; QE DecK Plan 1956 CC MM17
Queen Elizabeth: A wonderful CC deckplan for 1956. These are always great to have for interior and arrangement information. It is interesting to see how areas change from year to year (Usually after her annual winter refit). This is in great condition with a Buffalo NY Agency stamp. Inventory #6
Cunard Line: QE Deckplan for 1950 FC MM17
Queen Elizabeth: A wonderful early FC deckplan for 1950. These are always great to have for interior and arrangement information. It is interesting to see how areas change from year to year (Usually after her annual winter refit). Nice Agency stamp from St. Louis! Looks like a prior owner had this a little too close to a sweaty beverage glass .. some pages are a little wrinkled and show slight water marks. Inventory #5
Cunard Line: QE Deckplan 1956 TC MM17
Queen Elizabeth: A wonderful heavier stock TC deckplan for 1956. A prior owner made mavy notations on seating capacity of several of the rooms .. there are alll sorts of calculations on the pages … great condition with some photos. Inventory #3
Cunard Line: QE 1946 FC deckplan MM17
Queen Elizabeth: A wonderful EARLY heavy stock FC deckplan for 1946. These are always great to have for interior and arrangement information. She would have been fresh out of the JB yard post war refit. Looks like a prior owner planned on making a model of the QE .. there are all sorts of scale notations and calculations on the pages. The page ends are a little chipped. Inventory #4
Cunard Line: 1952 QE1 FC deckplan MM17
Queen Elizabeth: A wonderful heavier tissue FC deckplan for 1952. These are always great to have for interior and arrangement information. It is interesting to see how areas change from year to year (Usually after her annual winter refit). It looks like a prior owner made planned on making a model of the QE .. there are alll sorts of scale notations and calculations on the Main deck page … pages are a little wrinkled and rust at the staples.
Cunard Line: Queen Elizabeth List of passengers
From a August 1967 crossing … she didn’t have much more time in service! This for tourist class passenger’s and judging from the names … Tourist class seems pretty full! Marr was in command ( of course) … Great and Pristine shape!
Cunard Line: Lusitanias undergang hardback book in Swedish
Lusitanias undergang (The Sinking of the Lusitania): wonderful book in Swedish by Stockholm author Claes-Goran Wetterholm. This book is signed: to Jon Hollis ( an American ship historian / collector/ lecturer) by the author … and also includes a type written letter to Jon from Claes. Pristine shape One of a kind! 02/14
Cunard Line: QE/ QM mini Wonder ships booklet: Restocked!
These were great little booklets handed out in the 50’s. The are much like a mini version the early Comparison booklets that Cunard did for most of these large ships in the 20’s and 30’s). Just restocked!
Queen Mary Comparisons
The famous comparison boolket given out by the thousands to everyone to show off the stunning New Queen Mary! Covers all sorts of fact and figures from 30,000 lightbulbs to 10,000,000 rivets! Containes a marvelous center cut-a-way. A few tiny tiny little edgescuffs and blemishes…. still exceptional condition for 1936ish.
QE2 1973 deckplan MM17
What can I say? … almost mint deckplan for the QE2. She sits today in the hot sun of the Arabian peninsula ..waitng to start her second life as an attraction.
Cunard Line: The Elizabeth: Passage of a Queen (OOP).. REstocked!
The fantastic book: The Elizabeth: Passage of a Queen by Leonard A. Stevens. This is a great “biography” of life aboard voyage 424… and well as a good amount of her history and legend. Wonderful cutaway and informational appendices in the back! This book has been out of print for some time.Pristine shape!
QE2: Michael Cox Ice Sculpture #3
QE2: Here we have a great Michael Cox “Ice” sculpture with part of the E2’s turbine blade mounted on it. There was a limited number of these sold in her gift shop to commemorate her conversion from steam to diesel. This process added almost 20 years to her sailing life.
The Elizabeth! … a dish from her Cunard service.
Queen Elizabeth: Nice little plain glass sorbet dish that was part of her table service that was sold off during the brief period that she was open for tourists in Florida. Luckily, most of the items onboard were for sale … so furniture and fittings did make their way off her before she departed for Hong Kong and her final demise.
Cunard Conquest Fleet History Booklet: Restocked
Conquest of the Atlantic booklets. These were great little brochures that highlighted the fleet and Cunard’s history. These were passed out by the 1000’s! Excellent condition.
QM Souvenir Booklet #2 restocked
Queen Mary: Here is a great souvenir booklet that was done for her inaugural season. 1000’s lined the dock to pay to see Britain’s newest wonder ship when she first arrived to the US in 1936. There is some bumping to the covers.
RMS Queen Elizabeth Launch Brochure!
Queen Elizabeth: An amazing Launch brochure for the Lizzy. Cunard and the Clydeside engineers had made great strides in ship design since the Mary (which meant she required fewer funnels and boilers etc). Maybe this is why the Lizzy never had the same allure as the Mary? Contains several fold outs and a marvelous golden centerfold. This is oversized and in good condition … though the edges of the cover are a little brittle and bumped.