United States Lines: SSUS Telegram sheet
Directly from the radio room … a blank pristine telegram sheet from the ship. The ships names is stamped in the upper corner. Make your own message.
United States Lines: SSUS Presents cardstock
Nice SSUS cardstock … these were used for presentations and events onboard. The print shop would have used this stock by the 1000’s on each voyage. Paper supplies like there were left onboard when the ship was mothballed and were auctioned off in 1984 … and practically given away after that as surplus. Brand new unfolded condition. I just love the RWB graphics and coloring.
United States Lines: By Their Works, Ye Shall Know Them: by FO Braynard
The story of the Gibbs brothers and their maritime portfolio. This was commissioned by Frederic Gibbs really as a tribute to his brother William Francis … and was written front to back by Frank Braynard. It covers all sorts of vessels passenger ships, Military vessels. Working vessels (like Fireboats and ice breakers) and on, and on, and on. Their work was prolific and incredible. A very good read .. this does not have a dust jacket … and I have never seen a copy with a dustjacket. There was only one printing … so this is a scarce book. VERY desirable and comprehensive.
United States Lines: SS US Shopping bag
Very nice RWB “Eagle” emblazoned plastic shipping bag from the onboard giftshops. These would have come off the ships with all sorts of souvenirs and gifts for the landlubbers. The don’t make heavy plastic bags like this anymore … in good condition.
United States Lines: The Big Ship BY Frank Braynard
This book was a labor of love for Frank … and certainly one of his best. WFG’s Brother Frederic was the force behind the book … and Frank took on the project whole heartedly. A plastic dust cover has be added over the original paper version that has some rips and tears … a true classic! A MUST read for any and every serious SSUS buff. The Best book ever … this covers her life till about 1979/80 when USC – Hadley purchased the ship.
United States Lines: SS United States America’s Greatest Ocean Liner By Miller
I’m glad to offer yet another copy of this great book! SS Unites States: The story of America’s Greatest Ocean Liner by Bill Miller. This is one of the best books ever written on the ship … and packed with great photos from her birth till her departure to Turkey in the early 1990’s. I can’t say enough about this book … truly one of Bill’s masterpieces! This copy is in great condition. An exceptional and essential reference book … grab a copy while you can, it is out of print. Please help save the SS United States @ www.savetheunitedstates.org.
United States Lines: USL Songbook
Nice little songbook for USL ships … back in the days when such events took place … today folks are drinking Starbucks and gambling their lives away. Excellent condition and covers over 50 tunes!
US Ships Bumpersticker
Interesting bumper sticker supporting US Shipping. Like New condition. They serve you and U.S.!
United States Lines: SSUS Manila Passport envelope
Very nice Passport envelope for the SSUS. Each of one of these is numbered and stamped SSUS. Like New condition … never used
United States Lines: USL Envelop w/ SS America funnel graphics.
Nice baggage tag and ticket envelopes for the USL passenger ships. These are almost brand new and just delightful .. of course all in R/W/B colored accents.
United States Lines: SSUS Velvet Wine List
Very nice red velvet covered wine list for the SSUS or possibly the America. The Beal eagle is featured on the cover in gold detail. A lovely item indeed with a Red, White and Blue tassel!
United States Lines: SSUS Mini Beal w/ Envelope
The smaller version of the Beal brochure announcing the ship’s July 3rd entry into service … these were sent out by the thousands. Includes many of the same colorful Beal renderings and general ship info. The envelope is split on the sides, but worth having!
United States Lines: SSUS Large Beal Brochure
Probably the best brochure for the mightly SSUS … was this one by Lester Beal. Everything about this brochure is awesome: Hight Quality Heavy textured stock, Lovely preliminary renderings of her interior and a centerfold starboard profile of the ship. Red white and Blue accents throughout .. and the renderings are in full color. One of my favorites … the Beal eagle on the cover is superb.
Pan American/ Munson Steamship: Folder Brochure for 4 ships and their SA services
Great early (mid 20’s) brochure for the South American Services of the Pan American/ Munson Line converted 535 steamers: American Legion, Western World, Pan America and Southern Cross. the booklet covers the SA destination in detail with beautiful BW photos and line sketches of exotic ports and various SA scenes. There are several pages dedicated to the ships and their interiors … which also include photos and a page of simple deck plans. A great brochure for these early services.in nice condition … and excellent full color covers.
American Republics/ MM Line: Brochure for 38 date cruises aboard the Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil
Late 1930’s deluxe DP brochure for the 3 sisters Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil and there 38 South American cruise services. All 3 ships were built and sailed for Panama Pacific .. but were transferred to American Republics Line in the late 1930s ( which was managed by MM) and eventually sailed directly under the MB banner. This black/ white /red booklet brochure is in exceptional condition the first few pages cover the cruises and destinations .. the latter pages cover the ships and their interiors etc. Under APL, the basically still sported their PPL Interiors with minor changes … after the war, their interiors would basically rebuilt and updated. Very nice condition and includes the original mailing envelope.
Moore McCormack Lines: Deluxe DP Brochure for Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil
The super deluxe DP brochure for the 3 sisters Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil and there 38 South American cruise services. All 3 ships were built and sailed for Panama Pacific .. but were transferred to American Republics Line in the late 1930s ( which was managed by MM) and eventually sailed directly under the MB banner. This unfolds out into 4 sets of 4 large 8×11 panels … all in exceptional color for the time. The are also full color ( as stated plans for the Uruguay, Argentina differed from the Brazil). Good condition with some minor scuffing, pinholes at the folds and typical wear.
American Export: NS Savannah Ultimate Deck Plan brochure
Simply the best DP brochure done for the nuclear trailblazer, a George Sharp design. … in the common booklet format used by AEL in the 60’s. Lots of excellent info about the future of Nucler propulsion and the ship’s personal place in history. Great “cutaway” of her Nuclear plan and how it was arranged and 2 pages of deck plans and 2 pages of Interior photos. Tours are still available several times a year .. she is moored in Baltimore Harbor.
Delta Line: Cruises to South America Brochure 1979
Excellent brochure for the “write your own ticket” cruises to South America dated January 1979. These 4 Santa ships had been sold by Grace to Delta lines and sailed until about 1984 when they were laid up. 3 of them (Magdalena, Mariana and Maria) were scrapped by 1988, the 4th sister Santa Mercedes was converted to the Training ship Patriot State and survived till 2011. Nice deck and cabin plans and interior views.
Munson Steamship Lines: Western World Envelope
Very nice graphic envelop for the SS Western World … one of the little “535” ships that found work under various American lines. This probably held baggage tags / stickers for the guest to use on their Havana Cruise in late December of 1933. Hand written note states the ship sails at 10 PM. Good condition w/ normal wear. Approx 5×7.
Eastern Steamship: SS Evangeline Passenger List
Great Little passenger list for the SS Evangeline dated 6/7/47 for Bermuda -Nassau cruises. Harvey Dunning was in command of the little vessel. Textured covers in Good condition w/ normal wear.
UF-GWF: 1936 Summer and Fall Cruises large fold out and DP
Lovely like new large fold out for the GWF sisters Metapan, Sixola and Santa Marta. This covers summer and fall cruises out of New Orleans to the Caribbean and West Indies. I would love to have traveled on the banana boats!
United States Lines: SSUS and America Brochure
Super cool Brochure for the 2 companion ships. the covers are stiff cardboard and the pages are full of blue sepia photos for both ships. The centerfold is the famous Reavis cut away of the United States. this was printed and stamped specifically for Westheim Travel service NYC and Stamford CT. The back cover does have an arc shaped liquid stain, the interior pages are pristine. Color Graphic of the 2 ships passing on the Hudson on the front cover and an SSUS funnel on the rear cover.
US Shipping Board: Premium brochure for the early fleets
Excellent brochure for the early USSB fleet .. covering the early ships of the fleet. The USSB owned the ships before being sold to USL, Munson, Pacific Mail, Admiral Orient and Los Angeles SS. The lines covered various routes and services. Full of great b/w mostly full page photography for the ships and their interiors. Covers the Leviathan, the 535 ships, George Washington, America and others. Like New condition. Gorgeous gold detailed scripted cover.
American Export: 1963 Springtime Med Cruise Brochure
Very nice brochure for the Indy’s 1963 Springtime Mediterranean Cruise. She left NYC March 21st and returned to NYC April 27th after visiting about 16 different ports. There is a gorgeous full color 3/4 centerfold photo of the ship taken from above by a low flying plane. covers all the ports of call with info and photos. 2 pages dedicated to cabins and rates.
United States Lines: 1925 Fleet Sailing Schedule
Great sailing schedule dated April 10 1925 … covers the fleets larger ships: Leviathan, George Washington, Presidents Harding and Roosevelt, America and Republic. Small 3/4 inch rip on one seam fold. NY agency stamp on back page.