Maiden Arrivals

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United States Lines: Miller’s SS United States: story of Americans Greatest Liner Book.

Once of the best books written about the ship … certainly a book Billy poured the good parts of his soul into (with keen FOB Oversight). The forward is by Margaret Truman Daniels.. Harry’s daughter who was on the SSUS maiden crossing. Well written and lots of great photos. An excellent read of the ships life until the early 1990’s.


Price: $75.00


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United States Lines: SS United States Galley Coffee Urn: Repriced and relisted !

OHHH MYYYYY WOW … here is another one of those rare and unique items. I brought this back from a recent trip out West … One of the Coffee Urns from the ships galley. I believe this came from the galley that served First and Cabin class dining rooms… and is pictured in the SS Guernsey’s auction catalogue (Wednesday 10/03/84). This was of course steam driven (manufactured by RUDSCO) and is complete as far as I can tell! It comes with various glass replacement parts as well. I was told this can make 144 cups of coffee at a time … great for your SSUS bashes! Solid construction and expected condition from preparing a lot of coffee … still has a faint and rich percolator smell.
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Price: $450.00


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United States Lines: SSUS A Look Inside cutaway: Restocked

Wonderful pristine and famed cutaway for the SSUS. There were several versions of these … this one appears to be from the mid-1950’s. One side is all cutaway … the flip side has b/w interior and “activity aboard” photos. Lots of fun facts about the ship … and a small info section on the famed Hales Trophy! You could not ask for a better overall item about the ship!


Price: $32.00


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