The Americans

All Americans from sea to shining sea.

American President Lines: President’s Cleveland and Wilson deckplan 1960

Somewhat rare for me to find APL items … so I am happy to have found this and offer it here!. This is a great plan for both ships that includes onboard pictures. There are a few added wrinkles along the fold lines … probably was folded incorrectly at some point. These 2 sisters were sturdy WW2 designed tonnage that was reworked into passenger service.


Price: $13.00


Matson Line: SS Matsonia Deckplan for 1956

Superb little DP for the Matsonia liner printed on heavy tissue.  Love the LANAI suite’s on these ships … almost like todays vessels with their private balconies. Matson always kept the White ships hulls pristine .. I bet the painting went on almost around the clock.


Price: $17.00


Grace Lines: “V” Baggage sticker

Lovely seafoam and teal “V” First Class baggage sticker for the Grace Line. Unused and in excellent shape. Stickers like this would have been on every travelers luggage.. sort of a badge of honor for the well traveled.


Price: $5.00


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Grace Lines: “S” Baggage sticker

Lovely seafoam and teal “S” First Class baggage sticker for the Grace Line. Unused and in excellent shape .. these would have once adorned the luggage of the well traveled person.


Price: $5.00


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American Export / Orient Overseas lines: Oceanic Independence plaque

There was a nostalgic liner outcry in the late 70’s and 80’s … where did all the liners go? This plaque for the Oceanic Independence was done as part of a series of past liners to commerate the liners that were still with us. Though she was owned by CY Tung at the time, the Oceanic Indy started life as the Independence for American Export. She cracked in half upon reaching Alang for scrapping.


Price: $29.00


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Ward Line: USS Siboney WW1 portrait

The Ward Line’s Siboney actually served in both world wars … which sandwiched her peacetime service. This is a WW1 portrait of her dazzle painted and laden with lifesaving rafts. The portrait is in good shape for WW1 with a few waves, the black frame has the typical scuffs and scrapes. I may need to quote shipping for this.


Price: $75.00


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United States Lines: Troopship Leviathan

Wonderful image of the Leviathan as a trooper coming into harbor (technically pre-dating her USL ownership). After the war she would become WFGibbs first BIG assignment … and her would restore her top to bottom … emerging as the USL flagship. As is common with these WW1 photos, the framing is pretty scraped and the image is a little wavy … but still is crisp and clear. You can almost read the banners on the surrounding watercraft. ** shipping calculator maybe off… I may need to quote shipping***


Price: $85.00


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Delta Line: Playing cards.

Lovely almost pristine pack of Playing cards for the delta line. These ships plied the Caribbean … their major competitor being grace line ships. Loved their “sharp” post-war design.


Price: $15.00


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Matson Line: Captains invite card

Nice little invite card for cocktails poolside from Captain Stein of the Monterey. This is pristine … looks like it was just signed by the captain himself yesterday.


Price: $10.00


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American Export Lines: SS Independence Captain’s Invite

Cute little invite card to join Captain Switzer in the Independence Lounge for cocktails. I wonder if Dr.amd Mrs Urbanwez went? I’m sure the champagne was free flowing!


Price: $10.00


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United States Lines! SS America 3 dinner menus!

3 menus from a voyage over New Years in 1961 and Fred Fender was in charge. The dinner menus dates from Jan 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Full of lovely delicious items … I’d be even chunkier than now for sure. Great shape with a coulple of small spots from use and storage. Not bad for being almsot 51 years old.


Old Price: $18.50

Price: $12.00

You save: $6.50! (35.14%)


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Matson Line: Poseidon Glass Ashtray restocked

Perfect heavy glass ashtray for the Matson lines … these would not roll around too much during high seas. The BIG Matson white hulled passenger liners were popular in the late 20’s through the 60’s. This is probably early 60’s mentions 4 ships Lurline, Mariposa, Matsonia and Monterey. Today, Matson lines concentrates on just container cargos and has no passenger operations. Mint: no chips or cracks!


Price: $18.00


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Unites States Lines: USS Leviathan troopship Stereoview card

Certainly a huge German WW1 miscalculation was that fact that a huge amount merchant shipping tonnage was stuck in NY harbor at the onset of the hostilities. … especially the brand new HAPAG flagship Valterland. Once America entered the war, she was quickly seized and became our Leviathan. After the war, her reconditioning into the newly formed United States Lines flagship was WF Gibbs first assignment. This was a herculean and successful undertaking for him, and certainly pivotal career making move.. This stereocard is in excellent condition … with a little lenghtwise warp that can be easily pressed back into shape.


Price: $20.00


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United States Lines: SS United States Bridge scorecard

Nice unused Bridge scorecard for the SSUS. Easy to keep your game score on these … and the supply was probably limitless … as I’m sure they could be printed onboard.


Price: $5.00


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Grace Line: Santa Rosa Souvenir Lifering.

Little souvenir lifering for the Santa Rosa. Probably bought onboard or maybe a little prize for an onboard contest or celebration. This one needs a good cleaning. Some of the colored tape is loose.


Price: $12.00


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United States Lines: SS America/ USS West Point/ SS Australis: The Many Lives of a good ship, by Larry Driscoll. Author signed!

An exclusive opportunity! I have partnered with author Larry Driscoll to make copies of his “out of print” book available. This is by far the best and most complete work ever completed about the America/ West Point/ Australis! Starting with contemporary ships of state and the beginnings of WF Gibbs career … right to her tragic wrecking off the island of Fuenteventura … nothing about her story is missed! If you are a lover of this ship in any of her incarnations … you have 260 pages of text and photographs that are absolutely informative and captivating. This is a must have book! This will ship directly from Larry and of course each will be author signed.

Price: $150.00


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American Export Lines: Dining Room tablecloth Restocked MM17

Amazing AE line table cloth. All cotton and proudly made in America (of course) this is a gorgeous table cloth. The sailing ship line logo is woven into the pattern and surrounded by Americian Export Isbrandtsen Lines Inc.This one is approx 36×36. At one time this was  cleaned, folded and never used again. I imagine there were lots of these left in a warehouse when the fleet was mothballed and eventualy sold. This is in great shape and shows very little if any wear.


Price: $35.00


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Sea Classics Magazine April /May 1985

These are always a treat … of course the best article in the one is written by FOB .. and is titled ” the seven Lives of the Manhattan and Washington”. Frank’s delight always shows in writing and the11ish page article just glows for these little ladies. Born out of the depression, they sailed in the 30’s and saw heavy war use in the 40’s. After the war, there was some (but little austerity use).. and both ships spent most of their time remaining time slowly rusting in the reserve fleet. The magazine does have some page crinkling.


Price: $10.00


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American Export Lines: SS Atlantic ash/pin tray 4 pack.

4 cute little glass trays packed nicely in thier orginial souvenir box. The Atlantic sure isn’t a very popular liner … she never have the fanfare of the larger ships; but she did survive a very long time as the SS Universe. She ended her days on the beaches of India becoming recycled resources for the local economy.


Price: $25.00


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United States Lines: Early brochure restocked!

United States lines: Various ships!; a brochure for the ships that eventually would what become the United States Lines. These were all German war prizes … like Hapag’s Valterland, which of course became the Americian Leviathan (WF Gibbs first big project) as well as NDL’s Amerika … which became our America. A real nice brochure with nice photos and a centerfold of the reconditioned Leviathan. Some light chipping to the cover.


Old Price: $45.00

Price: $35.00

You save: $10.00! (22.22%)


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Matson Lines: 4 Dinner Knives

Matson Lines:  Set of 4 sliver plated knives for one of the white hulled Matson Liners. These are used for sure … with character marks and evidence of many trips through the ships scullery . Nice 5 star + M logo!


Price: $40.00


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American Export Lines: To serve you info booklet

Great little onboard information booklet from 1952 that has topics from Air Conditioning to Valuable property. This booklet was designed specifically for the sisters Independence and Constitution .. and contains a page of their rough specifications. Pristine shape!


Price: $10.00


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Alcoa: Ore ship trips

Nice 12 panel fold out on Ore ship trips for the Caribbean and a single double sided scheduling/ flyer. The 3 ships were under charter to Alcoa: SS Naess Jupitor, SS Naess Saturn and the MV Ballargen. Several nice pictures of their modern Norwegian interiors.


Price: $10.00


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Moore – McCormack Info booklet and Deckplan

2 really nice pieces: an onboard info booklet for the MooreMac line and a deckplan for the last Americian Built lines Brasil and Argentina. The booklet covers all aspects of life and activities onboard. The deck plan is color coded for easy area identification.


Price: $15.00


Matson Line: Postwar Photo Folio

Nice souvineer photo folio for the Hawaiian Matson Line. If the ship’s photographer had snapped your pic … you would have been presented with it in a folio like this. Excellent condition!


Price: $7.50


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